


中医(含民族医学)强调对健康状况的整体控制,注重个体化,注重预防疾病,临床疗效准确,治疗方法灵活,保健功能突出。 是我国独具特色的健康服务资源。 中医健康服务是运用中医药理念、方法和技术,维护和改善人民群众身心健康的活动。 。 充分发挥中医药独特优势,加快发展中医药健康服务业,是中医药全面发展的必然要求,也是促进健康服务业发展的重要任务。 具有十分重要的意义。 为贯彻落实《中共中央 国务院关于深化医药卫生体制改革的意见》、《国务院关于支持和促进中医药发展的若干意见》 ”(国发[2009]22号)和《国务院关于促进健康服务业发展的若干意见》(国发[2013]40号),为促进中医药健康服务业发展,制定这个计划。


(一)指导思想。 以邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观为指导,深入贯彻党的十八大和十八届一中、三中、四中全会精神,遵循党中央、国务院决策部署。 在围绕保障人民群众基本医疗卫生服务需求的基础上,全面深化改革,创新服务模式,鼓励多元化投资,加快市场培育,充分释放中医药健康服务潜力和活力,全面爆发满足人民群众多层次、多样化需求。 医疗卫生服务需求,推动完善中国特色卫生服务体系,提高中医药对国民经济社会发展的贡献率。


以人为本,服务群众。 把提高全民健康素养作为中医药健康服务发展的出发点和落脚点,区分基本中医药健康服务和非基本中医药健康服务,实现两者协调发展,切实保障健康权益和人民的利益。

以政府引导、市场驱动。 强化政府制度建设、政策引导和行业监管职责。 充分发挥市场配置资源的决定性作用,充分调动社会力量的积极性和创造性,不断减少中医药健康服务供给,提高服务质量和效率。

中医是强身健体的特色。 坚持中医原创思维,积极运用现代技术和技能,提高中医健康服务能力,凸显中医药特色和优势。

深化改革、创新发展。 加快科技转化,拓展服务范围,创新服务模式,建立中医药健康服务可持续发展体制机制。

(三)发展目标。 到2020年,中医药健康服务体系基本完善,中医药健康服务发展成为我国健康服务业的重要力量和国际竞争力的重要体现,成为促进经济增长的重要力量。和社会改革与发展。

——中医健康服务能力大幅提升。 中医医疗保健服务网络基本健全,中医保健服务人员素质显着提升,中医保健服务领域不断拓展,基本满足群众需求。全社会开展中医健康服务。

——中医药和健康服务技术手段不断创新。 以西医为主体,融合现代医学等技术方法,创新中医健康服务模式,丰富和发展服务技术。

——中医药健康服务产品种类越来越丰富。 中医药及健康服务相关产品研发、生产、销售规模不断扩大。 中药种植业红色发展和相关制造业转型升级明显推进,形成了一批具有国际竞争力的中药企业和产品。

——中医药卫生事业发展环境优化和建设。 中医药健康服务新政基本完善,行业规范和标准体系不断建立,政府监管和行业自律机制更加有效,形成了全社会积极参与的良好氛围。支持中医药健康事业发展。



支持西医医疗卫生机构发展。 支持社会力量发展规范化西医养生机构,培育一批技术成熟、信誉良好的知名中医养生服务集团或连锁机构。 鼓励西医医疗机构充分发挥技术人才等资源优势,为西医医疗机构规范发展提供支持。

规范西医医疗保健服务。 加快制定西医保健服务规范和标准,推动各类机构按照规范和标准提供服务,形成针对不同健康状况人群的西医健康干预方案或手册(服务包)。 建立西医健康状况评估办法,丰富西医健康复查服务。 推广太极拳、健身气功、导引等西医传统功法,开展药膳治疗。 利用云计算、移动互联网、物联网等信息技术,开发智能西医健康服务产品。 为公民提供集西医健康检测、咨询评估、保健疗养、后续管理于一体的高水平、个性化、便捷的西医医疗保健服务。

开展具有西医特色的健康管理。 将中医优势与健康管理相结合,以慢病管理为重点,以预防为主的治疗理念为核心,探索集健康文化、健康管理、健康保险于一体的西医健康保障模式。 加强西医养生宣传引导,积极利用新媒体传播中医药养生知识,引导人民群众更加全面地认识健康,自觉培养健康的生活习惯和精神追求。 加快制定信息共享交换相关规范和标准。 发展中医保健、预防疾病保险、各类医疗保险、疾病保险、护理保险、伤残收入损失保险等商业健康保险产品,通过西方健康风险评估、风险干预等方式提供商业健康保险。药品。 疾病防治、健康维护、慢病管理等西医特色健康管理服务与产品相结合。 指导健康体检机构规范组织具有西医特色的健康管理业务。

专栏1 西医医疗保健服务建设项目








鼓励社会力量提供西医医疗服务。 建立以民办西医机构为龙头、非民办西医机构共同发展、基层中医服务能力突出的西医服务体系。 通过加大重点本科建设和人才培养,规范和推进中医医师多点执业等方式,支持社会资本兴办中医医院、疗养院、中医诊所。鼓励合格的西医专业技术人员特别是名老中医建立中医诊所,允许制药公司在自己的医院开发西药。 鼓励社会资本举办中医诊所。

创新西医医疗机构服务模式。 改变中医医院服务模式,推动多方式综合干预,推动医疗服务从以疾病治疗为主转向以健康维护为主,发展预防治疗、康复等服务。 支持中医医院输出管理、技术、标准和服务产品,与基层医疗卫生机构建立医联体,鼓励市级中医医院探索组织县乡一体化服务,努力让所有社区健康服务机构、乡镇卫生院和70%的村卫生室具备中医药服务能力。 推动西医诊所、中医诊所、中医诊所标准化建设和连锁化发展。

专栏2 西医医疗服务体系建设项目


建立国家、地区、基层中医专科诊疗中心三级西医专科疾病预防体系。 优化诊疗环境,提高服务质量,开展科学研究,发挥科技辐射作用。


在乡镇卫生院和社区卫生服务中心建设西医临床科室集中、综合运用多种中医方法和手段的中医特色诊疗区,规范西医诊疗设备。 加强对基层医疗卫生机构非中医医生和乡村医生的中医技术培训。 针对一些基层常见病,推动推行中药材病案,规范中药材使用和管理。


鼓励社会资本举办妇科、骨伤科、妇儿科等非营利性中医医院; 发展康复医院、老年医院、疗养院、临终关怀诊所等具有突出西医特色的医疗机构。



支持民族医学特色本科课程发展。 支持藏族、蒙古族、维吾尔族、傣族、朝鲜族、壮族、哈萨克族等有条件的市级以上民族自治地方设立地方民族医疗诊所。 规范发展民族医药卫生服务技术,在基层医疗卫生服务机构推广应用。


推动西医特色康复服务机构发展。 各地根据康复服务资源配置需要,建立西医特色康复医院、疗养院,加强中医医院康复科室建设。 鼓励社会资本举办具有西医特色的康复服务机构。

拓展西医康复服务能力。 推动西医技术与康复医学融合,完善康复服务标准和规范。 推动各级各类医疗机构举办以西医为特色的康复医疗、培训指导、知识传播、康复护理、辅助器具服务。 建立县级中医医院与社区康复机构之间的单向转接机制,在社区康复机构推广适合西医的康复技术,提高社区康复服务能力和水平,让群众享受到规范化、规范化的康复服务。附近有方便、有效的西医特色康复服务。

专栏3 西医特色康复服务能力建设项目


根据区域卫生规划,加强西医特色康复医院和中医医院康复科室服务能力建设。 支持市级中医院引导社区卫生服务中心、乡镇卫生院、残疾人康复中心、工伤康复中心、民政康复机构、特殊教育学校等机构开展西医结合的社区康复服务。医学特点。


发展中医特色养老机构。 鼓励建设以中医药保健、养老为主的敬老院、疗养院。 有条件的养老机构设立西医门诊,重点预防老年病和慢性病。 推动中医医院与敬老院、康复机构等合作。

推动中医药与养老服务结合。 二级以上中医医院开设老年科室,增加老年病床数量,开展老年慢性病预防和康复护理,为老年人就医提供优惠服务。 支持养老机构开展融入西医特色健康管理的老年人保健、医疗、康复、护理服务。 有条件的中医医院组织社区和家庭中医健康养老服务,为老年人建立健康档案,建立医疗合同服务关系,提供急诊就诊、健康检查、健康咨询等服务。

专栏4 中医健康养老服务试点


开展中医药与养老服务结合试点,探索中医药与养老服务结合的主要模式和内容。 包括:发展新型中医养生保健机构,重点转型改革和社会资本投入新建,兴办以中医养生保健为主的敬老院、疗养院; 中医健康及养老服务; 创新西医老年健康管理,研发多元化、多层次的中医健康管理服务包,发展新型养老服务。 培养中医养生养老人才,依托高校和中医医疗预防保健机构建设中医养生养老服务培训基地,加强中医药老年家政相关技能培训职员。


发展中医药文化产业。 挖掘中医药文化资源,优化中医药文化产业结构。 打造科学准确、通俗易懂、栩栩如生的中医文化科普创意产品和文化精品。 发展数字出版、移动多媒体、动漫等新兴文化业态,培育知名品牌和企业,逐步形成中医药文化产业链。 按照《中国公民西医保健质量》开展健康教育。 将中医知识纳入基础教育。 借助海外中华文化中心、中医孔子学院等平台,推动西医文化国际传播。

发展中医养生旅游。 利用西医机构、中药企业、名胜古迹、博物馆、中华老字号、中药材种植基地、药用植物园、药食疗馆等文化元素突出的资源大力发展中医药特色旅游线路。 建设一批中医药旅游小镇、度假村、文化街、主题餐厅,形成一批中草药科技农业、珍稀中药材种植、田园式生态相结合的养生体验和观赏基地休闲旅游。 开发中医药旅游产品,打造中医药养生旅游品牌。 支持举办代表性强、发展潜力大、满足人民群众健康需求的中医药健康服务展览会和会议。

专栏5 中医药文化与健康旅游产业发展项目



加强中医药文化全媒体传播和监督评价。 建设一批中医药文化普及宣传教育基地。 依托现有景区设施,引入中医养生理念,推出一批集养生知识普及、养生保健体验、养生娱乐于一体的中医药文化主题公园。


推动西医及西医在中国的活动。 通过中医药科普周、主题文化节、知识技能竞赛、中医药文化科普旅游等多种形式,提高公共卫生和西医医疗保健质量。 建设中医药文化科普队伍,深入研究、挖掘、创作中医药文化艺术作品,开展中医药非物质文化遗产的推广和传播。


充分发挥中医养生旅游资源优势,整合区域内医疗机构、中医养生机构、保健品生产企业等资源,引入社会力量,打造西医养生旅游胜地以服务为核心,集中药材育种和中医医疗服务于一体。 是集中医养生保健服务于一体的中医养生旅游示范区。


支持相关保健品的研发、生产和应用。 鼓励研发家庭或个人使用的健康检查、监测产品以及操作使用的自我保健、功能康复等器械产品。 通过研发与使用需求对接,加强产学研医深度合作,提高国际竞争力。 发展中医药和健康服务产业集群,形成一批具有国际影响力的知名品牌。

促进药材资源可持续发展。 大力实施中药材良好生产规范(GAP),扩大中药材种植和贸易。 推动中药材种植业红色发展,加快中药材优良品种选育和无公害养殖标准化,完善中药材行业规范,加强中药材动态检测和保护整合资源,构建中药材追溯体系,打造优质中药材。 开展药材资源出口贸易状况检查调查,保护重要药材资源和生物多样性。

大力发展第三方服务。 开展第三方质量安全检验、检测、认证、评价等服务,培育和发展第三方医疗服务认证、医疗管理服务认证等服务评价模式,建立健全中医药检验检测体系。 发展研究设计服务和成果转化服务。 充分发挥市级药品集中采购平台作用,探索发展中医药电子商务。

专栏6 中医药健康服务相关产业配套重点项目




加强西医诊疗设备、中医瑜伽产品、中药、保健食品的开发,重点发展西医健康识别系统、智能西医复查等西医健康识别和干预设备系统、经络健康识别仪; 探索开发便携式西医诊疗健康数据采集设备,与物联网、移动互联网相结合中医养生保健,发展自动化、智能化的中医健康信息服务。


支持发展第三方检验、检测、认证、评价及相应咨询服务机构,开展质量检验、服务认证、健康市场研究和咨询服务。 支持中医药技术转移机构组织科技成果转化。





吸引海外来华消费。 鼓励有条件的非民办中医医院设立国际医疗部或外宾服务部,鼓励社会资本提供多元化服务模式,为境外消费者提供高端西医医疗护理服务。 全面深化多层次中医药国际教育合作,吸引更多海外学生来华接受学历教育、非学历教育、短期培训和临床实习。 整合中医药科研优势资源,为境外机构提供科研外包服务。

推动中医药健康服务走出去。 支持优秀中医药企业和医疗机构在境外开设中医医院、连锁药店等中医药服务机构,建立健全海外营销网络。 培育一批具有较强国际市场开拓能力的中医药服务企业或企业集团。 鼓励中医药院校赴境外办学。 鼓励援外项目与中医健康服务相结合。

专栏7 中医药服务贸易重点项目


支持一批市场优势显着、发展前景好的中医药服务贸易重点项目,建设一批特色突出、能发挥带动辐射作用的中医药服务贸易骨干企业(机构),打造一批综合实力较强、具有国际影响力的中医药服务贸易重点领域。 发展中医药、医疗、教育培训、科技研发等服务贸易中医养生保健,开拓国际市场。






(一)放宽市场准入。 法律法规未明确禁止的中医药健康服务领域一律向社会资本开放,并不断扩大开放领域; 凡是对本地资本开放的中医药健康服务领域,都要对外省资本开放。 对社会资本举办的仅提供中医服务的中医诊所和门诊部,医疗机构设置和区域卫生发展规划没有布局限制。 Personnel skilled in traditional Chinese medicine who have obtained a rural doctor's license are allowed to set up traditional Chinese medicine clinics in towns and villages that only provide approved traditional western medicine diagnosis and treatment services.

(2) Strengthen land use guarantee. Based on the overall planning and urban and rural planning of agricultural land, all localities shall take into account the development needs of traditional Chinese medicine health services, expand the supply of land for traditional Chinese medicine health services, and give priority to securing land for non-profit traditional Chinese medicine health service institutions. In the process of urbanization, priority should be given to arranging agricultural land to meet the development needs of TCM health service institutions. Configure traditional Chinese medicine health service places and facilities in accordance with relevant regulations. Support the establishment of traditional Chinese medicine health service institutions with the help of stock real estate acquired in the form of allocation and original farmland. For traditional Chinese medicine health service projects that have been in continuous operation for more than one year and conform to the allocated land catalog, farmland can be allocated according to regulations to handle land use procedures; If the land allocation conditions are not met, the land use procedures can be handled in the form of contract transfer.

(3) Increase investment and financing guidance. The government guides and promotes the establishment of a health industry investment fund jointly funded by financial and industrial capital, and coordinates and supports TCM health service projects. Broaden the financing channels for the development of Chinese medicine health service institutions and related industries, encourage social capital investment and operation of Chinese medicine health service projects, and give priority to social capital for new projects. Encourage traditional Chinese medicine companies to raise funds by issuing non-financial corporate debt financing instruments registered with the Interbank Market Dealers Association. Actively support qualified traditional Chinese medicine health service companies to go public for financing and issue convertible bonds. Support the development of Chinese medicine and health service venture capital enterprises, and standardize the development of equity investment enterprises. Increase foreign exchange management support for trade in Chinese medicine services and facilitate customs clearance. Encourage various venture capital institutions and financing guarantee institutions to conduct business with innovative new formats and small and micro enterprises in the field of traditional Chinese medicine and health services.

(4) Improve the new policy of fiscal and taxation prices. Qualified non-private western medicine medical institutions that provide basic medical and health services undertake public health service tasks and can obtain financial subsidies according to regulations. Their undergraduate construction, equipment purchase, and personnel training can be supported by the government at the same level. Increase scientific and technological support and guide the development and industrialization of key technologies. For those who attend relevant vocational training and vocational skill appraisal, those who meet the conditions will be given subsidies according to regulations. Donations made by enterprises and individuals to non-profit Western medical institutions through public welfare social organizations or people's governments at or above the municipal level and their departments shall be paid after tax in accordance with the tax law and relevant new tax policies. Improve the price generation mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine, and implement market-adjusted prices for medical service prices in non-private western medicine medical institutions.

4. Guarantee measures

(1) Strengthen organization and implementation. All regions and relevant departments should attach great importance to the development of traditional Chinese medicine and health services, coordinate overall planning, increase investment, and create a good development environment. The Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine should play a leading role in formulating the implementation plan of this plan, and work with relevant departments to study and solve important problems in the implementation of the plan in a timely manner, and strengthen the inspection and evaluation of the implementation of the plan. Development and reform, finance, civil affairs, human resources and social security, commerce, culture, health and family planning, tourism and other departments should perform their respective duties and solidly promote the implementation of this plan. Each region should formulate a development plan for traditional Chinese medicine health services in accordance with this plan and in light of the actual situation, refine the new policy measures, and earnestly implement them.


(2) Give full play to the role of industry organizations. All regions and relevant departments should support the establishment of TCM health service industry organizations, entrust or transfer responsibilities suitable for industry organizations to industry organizations through administrative authorization, purchase of services, etc., and strengthen service supervision. Give play to the important role of industry organizations in industry consultation, standard formulation, industry self-discipline, talent training, and third-party evaluation.

(3) Improving standards and supervision. Focusing on standardizing service behavior, improving service quality, and improving service level, promote the formulation and revision of traditional Chinese medicine health service norms and standards. For areas where standardization cannot be implemented for the time being, formulate and implement service commitments, conventions, and norms. Establish a standard online announcement system to give full play to the role of standards in promoting and supporting the development of traditional Chinese medicine health services.

Establish and improve the supervision mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine health services, promote localized management, focus on supervision of service quality, and severely crack down on illegal activities. Establish a bad practice record system, include the integrity management and practice of traditional Chinese medicine health service institutions and their employees in the unified credit information platform, and guide industry self-discipline. Introduce a certification system in the field of traditional Chinese medicine health services, and promote the application of traditional Chinese medicine health service standards through the development of standardized and professional third-party certification to provide technical support and support for government supervision.

Column 8 Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Service Standardization Project

Formulation of Chinese Medicine Health Service Standards

Formulate standards for TCM health service institutions, personnel, services, and technical products, and improve the TCM health service standard system. Promote the internationalization of Chinese medicine health service standards. Establish a standard announcement system for traditional Chinese medicine health services, and strengthen the regular reporting, evaluation and release of testing information.

Application and promotion of Chinese medicine health service standards

Relying on traditional Chinese medicine institutions, strengthen the application and promotion of traditional Chinese medicine health service standards. Give full play to the role of social organizations such as academic organizations of traditional Chinese medicine and industry associations, and adopt various forms to organize training on the application and promotion of Chinese medicine standards for professional and technical personnel, so as to promote the effective implementation of Chinese medicine standards.

Statistical System Construction of Traditional Chinese Medicine Service Trade

Formulate statistical methods and statistical systems that conform to the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine, and improve the mechanism for reporting and publishing statistical information.

(4) Accelerate personnel training. Promote the establishment of health management and other TCM health service-related majors in colleges and universities, expand the post setting of TCM health service technical skills talents, and gradually improve related occupations (types of work) in the TCM health service field. Promote school-enterprise cooperation in running schools, and focus on cultivating talents who are in short supply in Western medicine clinics and Chinese medicine technical and technical talents such as Western medicine health care and health care. Standardize and promote the training of health service practitioners with knowledge and skills of traditional Chinese medicine, explore and cultivate compound talents such as traditional Chinese medicine health tourism, traditional Chinese medicine science popularization, and traditional Chinese medicine service trade, promote the development of traditional Chinese medicine health services and implement new policies related to employment and entrepreneurship Tight connection.

Reform the management methods for the professional qualification certification of Chinese medicine health service personnel, promote industry associations and societies to undertake the specific work of professional qualification certification for the evaluation of the level of Chinese medicine health services in an orderly manner, and establish a professional skill certification system that adapts to the development of Chinese medicine health services. Promote the "dual certificate" system of vocational education degree certificates and vocational qualification certificates, and prepare for the establishment of vocational skills appraisal institutes (stations) in qualified vocational colleges.

Column 9 Human resources construction project of Chinese medicine health service

Education and training on advantages and characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine

Relying on the existing Chinese medicine education resources, strengthen the education and training of Chinese medicine health services, and cultivate a group of leading (reserve) talents, backbone talents and teachers in related fields of Chinese medicine health services.

Construction of Identification System for Vocational Skills Training in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Broaden the job setting for technical and skilled personnel in traditional Chinese medicine health services, formulate vocational skills standards for training specific types of work in the traditional Chinese medicine industry, strengthen training for unique types of work in the traditional Chinese medicine industry, and promote industry associations and societies to orderly undertake the professional qualification certification for the evaluation of the level of traditional Chinese medicine health services Work.

(5) Create a good atmosphere. Strengthen the guidance of public opinion, and create a social atmosphere in which the whole society respects and protects traditional knowledge of Western medicine, and values ​​and promotes health. Support radio, television, newspapers, Internet and other media to set up special program columns and layouts, and carry out activities to promote Chinese medicine culture and knowledge. Carry forward the concept of great medical sincerity, strengthen the construction of professional ethics, and continuously improve the professional quality of employees. To carry out the publicity of TCM health care knowledge, it is necessary to hire TCM professionals, abide by relevant state regulations, and adhere to the scientific spirit. No organization or individual may make false or exaggerated publicity on TCM, and shall not seek illegitimate benefits in the name of TCM. Severely crack down on illegal practice of medicine and false publicity of herbal medicine, health food, medical institutions and other violations of laws and regulations in accordance with the law.

